Professional Video Lighting

Professional Video Lighting

Professional Lighting

Poor lighting along with poor audio are the two easiest ways to spot an amateur production. Good lighting can be as simple as making the subject well-lit and clearly visible for the viewer. Or used to set tone and add drama to a scene. Lighting can help elevate even the most basic piece to camera shot. From simple things such as making the speaker clearly visible with soft balanced light to adding some colour in the background to make it more visually interesting, there can be quite a bit of work behind the scenes to ensure the final product is as professional and clean as possible. There are many different types of lighting set ups, we will briefly cover them below.

Studio Lighting

Studio lights can cover everything from a grand theatre production to a small studio with a green screen. It applies to any controlled environment where the lighting tech has full absolute control over the lighting. In this scenario you can control the light to suit your needs, be it intensity, colour or even light temperature. These lights are generally attached to the ceiling, from fills to spotlights you will find a wide array of lights to suit any need. This is a great albeit a more expensive way of lighting a video or scene.

Natural Lighting

Natural lighting is when you use light naturally available such as direct sunlight reflected sunlight and defused sunlight. Natural light tends to work well for quick short videos. Anything beyond that required a high degree of planning to account for shadows, cloud clover and the ‘Golden Hour’ if wanted. Natural light can look fantastic on camera but tends to be less consistent.

Location Lighting

Location lights is when you bring lights to the shoot rather than the video-shoot to the studio. This is often used with natural light with great effect. Used for everything from big budget films to quick new snippets. This allows for the advantages of both studio setups and natural lighting. Though it can be the most time-consuming set up depending on the needs of the scene.


What ever your lighting needs, the professionals here at Streamline Video have you covered. From big productions to small, from complex lighting setups to simple. We have the skills and expertise to help. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us should you have any questions about how we can help you with your next video production!

Professional Video Lighting

Professional lighting

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